the symbol of hard work and authenticity.

HALE & HOSS IS An authentic western brand that honors traditional while breaking all the cliches. We want to expose the world to hat burning and all that goes beyond that in western wear. you don’t have to own a ranch to wear a cowboy hat, but it is our goal to provide clients with a product that feels authentic to them.

AT HALE & HOSS, We believe a cowboy hat is the extension of a person and should symbolize all that they value. no two people are the same and neither should their hats be.

uniquely known for its grit, integrity, and quality. 

HALE & HOSS is more than our name or our logo. The balanced names on each side of the horns represent the even partnership between hale and hoss, symbolizing each skill relies on the other. partners hale & hoss have combined their expertise in craftsmanship and creativity to form a brand that values quality and innovation. the horns represent the strong-headed mentality of a bull. at hale & hoss, we never compromise our values or craftsmanship.

Using a 900 degree iron, all of our work is hand drawn and burned ensuring our designs are made to last. when ordering a custom Hale & Hoss hat, we will never re-use your design for another client guaranteeing every customer’s product is one-of-a-kind. Every hat is given our undivided attention to make our customer’s vision tangible.

Respect, honesty, and integrity are the foundation of our brand. we value our clients and strive to communicate openly and honestly about our work. when creating customs, it’s a collaborative process and we let our clients be as involved as they would like to be.